Use this free tool to compare the financial statements of two companies in order to decide which stock to buy. Just type the stock ticker symbols into the two boxes. The bars represent the dollar amounts in each quarter (hover over the bar to see the dollar amount). The small black numbers on top (apart from revenue) show the percentage of revenue for that metric in the quarter (e.g. for gross profit the percentages on top represent gross margins). For revenue, the black percentages represent growth over time. For more information on how to understand financial statements ask ChatGPT.
Use this free tool to view the financials of a company over time. Just type the stock ticker symbol into the box. The bars represent the dollar amounts in each quarter (click on the bar to see the dollar amount). The small black numbers on top (apart from revenue) show the percentage of revenue for that metric in the quarter (e.g. for gross profit the percentages on top represent gross margins). For revenue, the percentages represent growth over time. On iPhones you must press “return” not “done” after entering the ticker. For more information on how to understand financial statements ask ChatGPT.
Note: This data is being sourced from a third party API that does not have 100% accuracy. You’re advised to cross check these numbers against other financial sources.